Candidate (FAQ)
Why should I register with helps you find the right job matching your aspirations. Registering with enables you to:
1 Access and apply in one-click to more jobs.
2 Store and access you’re resuming online.
3 Get your CV viewed by recruiters who will contact you with un-advertized jobs.
How can I post my Resume?
To post your Resume at, click on the ‘Submit Your Resume’ on This takes you to the next step of filling up your personal and professional details. These details are important information that the recruiters look for. Once you’ve completed this, your profile registered with us. This is your default profile which is sent across to the recruiters when you apply for a particular job vacancy. We highly recommend you to fill all details so that you present recruiters a resume that is comprehensive and one that gets you the jobs you are looking for.
How can I update / edit my Profile?
You can update your profile only after you login to Once you have logged in to your account, to edit your profile, click on the ‘Edit’ link. You can make changes to your Profile by editing the relevant sections from the ‘Edit’ page. It is recommended that you update your Profile regularly. Recruiters often contact only those candidates who have recently updated their profiles.
Does it cost to post my Resume?
No, posting a Resume on is absolutely Free of Cost.
I can’t remember the password to my account. How can I login again?
In this case, click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link at the bottom side of Candidate Login Page. In order to retrieve your account password, you need to enter your registered e-mail address specified in your resume. Once you have entered your email, a confirmation mail with password link to reset your password will be sent directly to your inbox.
How can I change the password to my account?
Once you have logged in to your account, you are taken to the page that shows a brief summary of your account. To change your account password, click on the ‘Change Password’ link given at the left side. You would need to enter your old password and specify and confirm the new one. Once you specified and confirmed the new password, a confirmation mail will be sent directly to your inbox.
How can I update the contact details on my account?
You can update your contact details only after you login to Once you have logged in to your account, you are shown a brief summary of your profile and contact details. To update your Account Detail, click on ‘Edit’ button. Adding new details and after edit your details press submit button.
What is search?
Search gives you an option to look for relevant jobs based on your specific requirements. To search for a job, you can use the given search window. You may use the following criteria to look for relevant jobs.
Keywords: For a keyword search you may enter Designation, Key Skills, or company name of desired job. Keyword search is of the following types
Locations: You may enter Indian cities, depending upon your preference. The search result will display only those jobs which are based out of the locations that you have specified.
Experience: You may enter the number of years you have worked for. The search result will display all those jobs with the required work experience range matching the one you have specified.
Functional Area: this will help you find jobs matching your desired job function. This may not be required if you have already entered designation as a keyword.
Expected Salary: This field is gives you an option to specify the minimum and the maximum limit for the salary that you expect. This will arrange / order the search results to better suit your requirements. The jobs matching the salary range that you have entered will be shown first followed by the ones which do not match the selected salary
How do I search for relevant jobs?
Search gives you an option to look for relevant jobs based on your specific requirements. To search for a job, you can use the given search window. It is recommended that you specify the keywords, preferred locations and your total experience criteria to access job search results which are closest to what you are looking for. In case, you get results running into hundreds, you can narrow down your search by specifying all available criteria. In case of ‘No Results Found’, it is recommended that you may broaden your search by entering only a limited number of criteria.
What is the ‘Jobs by Category’ option provided on the Home Page?
‘Jobs by Category’ enables you to refine your search by selecting a particular industry that suits your job requirement. The option provides you with a comprehensive list of all the jobs that are available under the chosen category. Click on the link further narrow down the category, into the area of specialization that you are looking for.
What is the ‘Jobs by Location’ option provided on the Home Page?
‘Jobs by Location’ enables you to refine your search by selecting that particular city you are looking at for finding a job. Once you have selected a job location, the search result will reflect only those jobs that are based out of the particular location that you have selected.
What is the ‘Expected Salary’ option, when I search for jobs from the Home Page?
While searching for jobs from the Home Page, the option enables you to specify the range of your expected annual salary. Entering the minimum and the maximum annual salary expected. Will show you job vacancies offering an annual salary in the range that you have specified.
The search results shown are ordered on the basis of the salary specification that you have provided. All job vacancies matching the range entered are reflected first followed by jobs which match the other criteria you have specified but not necessarily the salary range.
How can I apply for a selected job?
Once you have selected the jobs that you want to apply for, there are a apply option on your screen, you can apply for that job by clicking the apply button. It’s a one step method. By clicking on apply button means you apply for that job and you get a confirmation message from our recruiters.
I am not registered on the site. Can I still apply?
Yes, you can apply for the relevant job vacancies without being registered with However, it is recommended that you apply for the vacancies after registering as it gives you greater maneuverability and wider options.
Registering with enables you to:
1. Store and access your Resume online
2. Create Multiple and Customized Job profile
3. Define your account's confidentiality settings
Can I apply for more than one job at a time?
Yes, you have an option to apply for more than one job at a time. You can send your responses for the selected job vacancies simultaneously to the recruiters.
How do I know if I have successfully applied for a job?
In case of a successful job application, you will be informed of the same through the confirmation mail sent by us directly to your inbox.
When can I expect a response after a successful job application?
Once you have successfully applied for a particular job vacancy, any future correspondence towards the same lies solely at the discretion of the company.
What is the Associate Program?
The Associate Program allows you to earn Incentives from us by just uploading resume on our website. For every job joining of the candidate through your reference number you get Incentives in your account. The Associate Program helps you to earn from your home and it also gives an opportunity to housewives, students, and other peoples to earn easy money.
How do I sign up?
Signing up to be an Associate is quite easy. Click on Associate Registration link, fill complete information & submit it. After receiving your Account information we’ll review your application within five business days. You will receive an email notifying you that your application is under review.
As you setup your account, please carefully consider that your username cannot be changed at later date.
However, you may edit the following:
• Passwords may be reset at any time by you.
• Update your basic account information.
Why would an application be rejected?
An application will be rejected if you:
• If you are not filling your information in a correct manner.
• In case you do not submit registration fees on time.
Now that you’re part of the Associate Program, you can:
• Update Your Payment Information. Please provide your banking information, select a payment currency and set your minimum payment threshold by signing in to your Associate account.
• Upload Resume. After becoming our Associate you can upload resume of the candidate with your reference number.
What does it cost to join?
You need to submit registration fees once. And you become our Associate for rest of your life. Please read the Associate scheme to know more.
How much Incentive will I earn?
As an Associate, you can earn minimum Incentives of Rs. 600/- . It is a fixed amount of Incentives we give to our client for every job joining of their candidate.
How do I know how much money I’ve earned?
By logging in to with your ID, you can check the detail of money you have earned from us in your personal ID.
How do I set up my payment information?
In order to receive a payment, you must provide your bank information. Here’s how:
1- Login to your account and fill the bank account information detail
2- Make sure the details given by you are accurate, because you get all Incentives in this account.
Do we need to renew our Associate membership with you in some interval of time?
No, you don’t need to renew your Associate membership. Registered once & it is lifelong.
Is there any limit for uploading resume or how many resumes we can upload on your site?
No, there is no limit set for resume upload. You can upload as many you want to upload.